As always, you were fantastic! Thank you for always supporting our efforts Ines! You have such a bright future.
– Irina Polanco Ventura, MA
Director of Public Health Initiatives
Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern NJ

Thank you for the informative presentation you did on Friday, February 12, 2021. I learned so much and so did my client’s. I look forward partnering with you again for further groups.
– Yvelisse Gonzalez MSW, LSW
Perinatal Mental Health Coordinator,
Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern NJ

Thank you so much for sharing the resources and for presenting at our Esperanza Para Madres new mom support group at the Partnership. We thought the presentation was great! Thank you so much for your time and for informing the moms.
– Diana Cabezas, MA
Perinatal Mental Health Coordinator,
Perinatal Mood Disorders Initiative
Partnership for Maternal and Child Health of Northern NJ

Infant CPR Class & Cord Blood Educational Class
– The class instructed expectant parents on the prompt care for the choking infant or child along with CPR resuscitation skills. In addition, parents learned current uses of cord blood to treat diseases and current clinical trial using cord blood and cord tissue stem cells for regenerative therapies and repair.